new Entropia album!! with Debora Longini and Ivan Macera
A journey through surreal atmospheres and hypnotic rhythms , psychedelia and experimentation, broken rhythms and drones. A Project by Entropia with vocalist Debora Longini and percussionist Ivan Macera "Between Lands" è il titolo del [...]
Entropia And Nicola Alesini on position 11 in Top Albums Electronic in Netherlands on iTunes® Charts
Entropia And Nicola Alesini - Live In Calcatronica (Eclectic Productions) has entered the iTunes® Charts: Top Albums Electronic on position 11 in Netherlands!! Recorded in 2014 in the gallery of the sculptor Constantine Morosin in historic city (vt). A [...]
Vera Di Lecce, new album on Eclectic Productions! “29 Seconds”
Vera Di Lecce, ex cantante dei Nidi d’Arac e performer con alle spalle importanti collaborazioni tra cui Afterhours (Il Teatro degli Afterhours), Kaki King, Roberto Angelini (suoi ospiti in RE-CHORDS, performances in musica), Arakne Mediterranea, [...]
Entropia live @ Electric Cirkus Dream Night 29 maggio 2015
Entropia presenta il suo set sperimentale "Rampagumma" al festival Electric Cirkus, durante la Dream Night che si svolgerà a La Rampa Prenestina, Entropia si proporrà con questo line up: Ugo Vantini: Yamaha Electronic Drums DXT [...]
Vera Di Lecce dal vivo al Monk Roma “Stone Box Festival”
Vera di Lecce presenterà in anteprima assoluta a Roma il suo nuovo lavoro su Eclectic Productions "29 Seconds" allo Stone Box Fest domenica 17 maggio 2015. Vera Di Lecce, ex cantante dei Nidi d’Arac e [...]
New Entropia album in june 2015 “Between Lands”
A special project by Entropia, electronic ambient sounds, experimental textures for "Between Lands". A collaboration with two acoustic artists, the experimental vocalist Debora Longini and the percussionist Ivan Macera. Between Lands - Entropia with Debora [...]