Out October 10: Alex Marenga “Music For Augmented Guitars”
The electric guitar like an oscillator. A sound journey into guitar processed with modular synthesys and granular software. A "glitchology" of guitar possibilities in the digital age. Another release for Eclectic "Artist Series", portraits of [...]
“The man in the movie camera” music by Entropia, first public screening
Announcing proudly that "The man in the movie camera" film will have its first public screening at the 38th International Cinematographer Film Festival Manaki Brothers in Bitola, Republic of Makedonia, the 27th of September at 10pm [...]
New Release ! Giuliano Palmieri: Presentiment, out in september 2017
A suggestive journey in the experiments of composer Giuliano Palmieri. Imaginary pathways that lead into visionary landscapes, an exploration in the sounds of electro-acoustic sound. Another release for Eclectic "Artist Series". Giuliano Palmieri After studying [...]
Eclectic Limited 003: Ryuji Takeuchi
Our 3rd vinyl release featuring 3 stunning originals from Ryuji Takeuchi and a remix by Lag is now available to order through our official Bandcamp: https://eclecticlimited.bandcamp.com/a…/eclectic-limited-003 Already support from: DVS1, Luke Slater, Ben Sims, AnD, [...]
“Fleeting Steps” by Gianluca Livi out now!!!!
"Fleeting Steps" is the first Gianluca Livi solo album. Co-founder of Anno Mundi, he released with the band 2 albums and one cd as independent issues, distributed by BTF/Earshock, along with being part of compilations [...]
The Silent Chaos first album on sale
The Silent Chaos first album [micro] now out for Eclectic Productions is on sale here: \\ • Bandcamp: https://silentchaos.bandcamp.com/album/micro \\ • iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/micro/id1234270096 \\ • Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/757IzlRhLAvyyEekm6a6dP \\ • Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/release/micro/2019645 [...]