E96 (album) In.Visible: The Subterranea Sessions
Invisible Overture 01:19 The Deepest (Black Soul Rework) 04:24 Fingers (#20 Black Soul Rework) 03:36 Heir of Eternity (Invisible Rework) 05:40 I Marry My Bed 04:42 The Comet (Rework) 04:49 [...]
Entropia new album: Tales from Oumuamua
Nuovo album di Entropia in uscita il 27 aprile. Il disco prende spunto dal famoso oggetto spaziale sconosciuto in transito nel sistema solare indicato con il nome di “Oumuamua” analizzato [...]
E97 Various Artis: Post-Human Eclectic Research
Amptek Invaders (Live At Link 98)Vedskyka Outside Entropia Modular from Cassilde Hell (Live Version) Paolacci Passato Kenny Dahl Warr Gianluca Livi Fujiko Mine, Pt. 2 Adc Romeend Amptek Kali Yuga [...]
E96 (single) In.Visible: Fingers (#20 Black Soul Rework)
singolo di lancio dell'album The Subterranea Sessions 01 Fingers (#20 Black Soul Rework) Jan 14th, 2021 https://eclecticproductions.bandcamp.com/track/fingers-20-black-soul-rework
E95 Amptek: Science
1. Robotica 06:292. Science of Matter 07:183. Science of Energy 03:584. Science of Movement 03:52 https://eclecticproductions.bandcamp.com/album/science https://youtu.be/QZFVtolcxDI
E94 European Electronics: Road to the Stars
1. Yuri Gagarin's First Orbit view2. Road to the Stars view3. Messages from the Outer Space view three analog synthesizer improvisations inspired by spaceflight and in particular yuri gagarin's flight [...]