“Fleeting Steps” by Gianluca Livi out now!!!!
"Fleeting Steps" is the first Gianluca Livi solo album. Co-founder of Anno Mundi, he released with the band 2 albums and one cd as independent issues, distributed by BTF/Earshock, along [...]
Giuliano Palmieri
Dopo gli studi musicali al conservatorio di Genova , frequenta, sino al conferimento del diploma, musica elettronica al conservatorio di Venezia, si laurea in Tecnologie del suono al conservatorio di [...]
Alex Marenga
Alex Marenga è un produttore discografico, chitarrista, videomaker, compositore e conduttore radiofonico italiano. Ha promosso e partecipato a vari progetti musicali e multimediali con varie sigle e moniker. Ha iniziato il [...]
Electronic Blues Foundation
Electronic Blues Foundation is a music cross-over project born from the collaboration between the blues guitarist Luca Gallo, the singer and vocal experimenter Laura Desideri and the duo of electronic [...]
The Silent Chaos first album on sale
The Silent Chaos first album [micro] now out for Eclectic Productions is on sale here: \\ • Bandcamp: https://silentchaos.bandcamp.com/album/micro \\ • iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/micro/id1234270096 \\ • Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/757IzlRhLAvyyEekm6a6dP [...]
Coming Soon! Eclectic new releases: The Artist Series
Starting in June a series of experimental music profiles of electronic composers called "Artist Series". The first album is "Fleeting Steps" by Gianluca Livi, drummer of the hard rock band [...]