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out now!!! Eclectic Limited 002: Radial, Ken Karter, Kenny Dahl, Entropia Techno Dept,
The Eclectic Limited 002 delivery is on the launching pad! It contains 4 amazing tracks full of energy and groove. Your sensations will be captured both by the ETD and the Kenny Dahl original tracks, [...]
New Silent Chaos album “micro” on Eclectic Productions
Out on may 27 for Eclectic Productions the new Silent Chaos album "micro" https://youtu.be/rrltrxWvWNw fb: https://www.facebook.com/silentchaosproject/ soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/silent-chaos-project Interviews: http://blog.collectivewaste.it/2017/04/interwaste-silent-chaos/#more-2737 https://musicistiemergenti.it/2017/04/silent-chaos-intervista-esclusiva-alla-band-scopriamo/
E63 – Silent Chaos – Micro
Silent Chaos "micro" The Silent Chaos music on "micro" is the evocation of archetypes buried in the collective unconscious, shown in a new intellectually (the manner of Plotinus) emotional light. The use of [...]