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Electronic Blues Foundation
Electronic Blues Foundation is a music cross-over project born from the collaboration between the blues guitarist Luca Gallo, the singer and vocal experimenter Laura Desideri and the duo of electronic producers Entropia, formed by Alex [...]
The Silent Chaos first album on sale
The Silent Chaos first album [micro] now out for Eclectic Productions is on sale here: \\ • Bandcamp: https://silentchaos.bandcamp.com/album/micro \\ • iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/micro/id1234270096 \\ • Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/757IzlRhLAvyyEekm6a6dP \\ • Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/release/micro/2019645 [...]
Coming Soon! Eclectic new releases: The Artist Series
Starting in June a series of experimental music profiles of electronic composers called "Artist Series". The first album is "Fleeting Steps" by Gianluca Livi, drummer of the hard rock band "Anno Mundi", with the collaboration [...]