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Amptek & Dr.Lops suoneranno live @ Tim Open Hackathon che si terrà a Milano il 4 e 5 Novembre prossimo. http://treehack.it/timopenhackathon/ https://youtu.be/Guo1ozUeMUQ
E66 – Alex Marenga – Music For Augmented Guitars (Artist Series)
tracklist: 1.Blues For Electric Guitar 06:23 2.Mental Modes 05:26 3.Narrative Paradigm 05:01 4.Remove Your Ego 11:21 5.Deindividuation 08:49 6.Modern Times 04:14 7.Persuasion Through Dissonance 07:23 8.Changing Minds 05:22 9.Calcium 14:36 credits released October 1o, 2017 [...]
E70 – Amptek – A Collection of Summer Hits
Tracklist 1. Falso Movimento 06:48 2.Biotechnological Humanity 04:45 3.Missing Life 06:29 4.Haxan 13:29 5.Hypotesys on Alien Life p.2 09:21 6.Definitions 03:18 7.Technology's Effects On Cognition 07:41 8.Checksum 01:54 9.Dreamland 02:25 10.Augmented Reality 07:12 11.Cognitive Dissonance [...]