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an interview to Alex Marenga (Amptek) for Radio RAI
new Entropia reviews and interviews
Prosegue l'attenzione mediatica attorno a "October is Coming". Segnaliamo le ultime interviste e recensioni: http://www.kultunderground.org/art/18645 http://assante.blogautore.repubblica.it/2018/04/visioni-fantascientifiche-al-fuorisalone-di-milano/ https://www.music-on-tnt.com/recensioni/articolo.php?id_articolo=2134 http://music.mondoraro.org/archives/154056 http://indiepercui.altervista.org/entropia-october-is-coming-eclectic-productions/
New AMPTEK’s E.P. KALI YUGA get out april 30!!
A new e.p. by Amptek is coming out on Eclectic Productions, the title is "Kali Yuga". Kali Yuga (Devanāgarī: कलियुग [kəli juɡə], lit. "age of Kali", or "age of vice") is the last of the [...]