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https://eclecticproductions.bandcamp.com/album/psychovirus Concept album conceived during the first lockdown in Italy in March 2020.The title of the work refers to the author's vision of the pandemic as a virus existing on the biological profile but at [...]
Musiche di Paolacci nello spettacolo di danza contemporanea Strada Facendo…
La Compagnia Incontempo è felice di comunicarvi che sarà in scena il 17 Agosto alle ore 21.30, inserita nel Festival I SOLISTI DEL TEATRO, nei giardini della Filarmonica romana in Via Flaminia 118, con lo [...]
Two videos from “Tales from Oumuamua” by Entropia
the videos were made by the painter and sculptress Pamela Ranya on two tracks from Entropia's new ambient album. http://www.pamelaranya.com https://youtu.be/6ZUrDtZTcZ8 https://youtu.be/7oCIMNEOEvo