E78 – Electronic Blues Foundation – Digital Bluesman
released March 25, 2019 Laura Desideri: vocals, filtered voices Luca Gallo: electric and resophonic guitars “Amptek” Alex Marenga: drum machines, samples, synths, theremini, noises Dr.Lops: keyboards, analog synthesizers, organ Elisabetta Maulo: vocals on “The Ohio Bridge” 1. The Clever [...]
E67- Alex Marenga – Made in Trullo (OST)
Nightpainters 04:08 Murga Dream (Break Version) 04:43 The Poets 04:12 Missing Life 06:29 The Graffiti Wall (Night Version) 02:17 The Walking Man 04:13 Streets of Trullo 02:54 Murga Dream (Visions of Dub) 03:31 The Graffiti [...]
Electronic Blues Foundation live ai Pinispettinati, Roma il 25 luglio 2019
Electronic Blues Foundation il progetto nel quale convergono le pulsioni del blues e i ritmi digitali dell'elettronica in un appuntamento nel cuore dell'Estate Romana. ingresso 10 euro + 2 tessera con consumazione Digital Bluesman live [...]
Alex Marenga “Materia”, an experimental album for guitar and guitar-synths
Alex Marenga's new album was released on Eclectic Productions titled "Materia". Alex is a producer, guitarist, videoartist and has made several albums with various projects dedicated to electronic music such as Amptek, Kinetic Zone, New [...]
Electronic Blues Foundation: “Digital Bluesman” new album 2019
Eclectic is pleased to announce the release on all music e-commerce sites in software format and soon in audio CD of the album "Digital Bluesman" of Electronic Blues Foundation.The project, produced by Entropia, aims to recontextualise thesounds of the Blues through a technological point of view. In addition to Amptek and Dr. Lops by Entropia take part in the work vocalist Laura Desideri, the guitarist Luca Gallo as guest the singer Elisabetta Maulo . https://electronicbluesfoundation.bandcamp.com/releases
Eclectic Limited news “Luizar”
If you missing Eclectic Limited last Ep of Luizar , you can buy at the following stores: Bandcamp: eclecticlimited.bandcamp.com : http://eclecticlimited.bandcamp.com Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/release/out-of-signal-ep/2462454 iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/out-of-signal/1445898131?fbclid=IwAR0cMWXE0zQzDi-TYRgKEbZskjybkQQPSQVjmCrhrCnrqZEBoktki2a7GaM&l=en Traxsource: https://www.traxsource.com/title/1074038/out-of-signal-ep Juno: bit.ly/EDC016-JUNO Amazon: amzn.to/2GiSKh4
E76 – Simone Serra – No Choice in Life vol. 3 (EP)
december 2018 E.p. Sea of Hope You End of Title
E75 – Simone Serra – No Choice in Life (EP)
october 2018 No Choice Just Sand and Memories Breathing Far from You
E74 – Amptek – Mind Tricks
June 2018 The Silent Mind part 1 03:55 The Silent Mind part 2 06:05 The Silent Mind part 3 06:57 The Silent Mind part 4 04:18 As We May Think 08:02 Langue-Parole 14:11 The Seen [...]
E73 – Paolacci – Accenni
may 2018 Spaziotempo 00:03:37 Delirio 00:08:11 Sacro 00:06:15 Continuativamente 00:04:00