E106 Entropia Techno Department: Expanding Universe
1.Antimateria2.Phoebe 05:373.Prometheus 4.Sputnik aboutFour hypnotic and minimal dance songs that will transport you to the far corners of the universe. Four tracks suspended in the space between ambient and dark techno. creditsreleases March 19, 2022 [...]
E105 Amptek: Spacewalk
1.Spacewalk 07:342.Cosmic Obsession 06:40A walk among the stars with Amptek's synthetic rhythms. Hypnotic and minimal techno on broken circular rhythms creditsreleased January 30, 2022 Alex Marenga, performer and producer https://eclecticproductions.bandcamp.com/album/spacewalk
E104 Nicola Alesini/Paolo Paolacci: Kein Weiß
1.Eroi o carne da macello? 05:012.New Dreams 10:233.A Giorgio (immortale sognatore) 03:54The meeting between the saxophonist Nicola Alesini and the electronic composer Paolo Paolacci creditsreleased November 3, 2021 Nicola Alesini - saxesPaolo Paolacci _ electronics [...]
E103 Entropia/Nuda Vox: A New Horizon
A music between ambient and electroacoustic experimentation that comes from the collaboration between the electronic duo Entropia and the vocalist Laura Desideri on lyrics by Roberto Rosati. Four surreal and introspective electronic songs.creditsreleased October 29, [...]
E102 AMPTEK: Psychovirus
this album was written during the first lockdown in 2020 in absolute confinement by observing the outside world through the media.The impression I had is that the pandemic has concerned the spread of a virus [...]
E101 PØLAAR : Synchronized
PØLAAR was born from the experiences of BLUESFORCE (aka William Novati:producer / musician / sound engineer) and IN.VISIBLE (aka Andrea Morsero: songwriter/ DJ / performer), come together in order to capture the artistic moment in [...]
E100 Noisemachine: Post-Industrial Landscapes
Globalized capitalism, the main architect of the ecological crisis, is a candidate to be the solution. The new green industrialization will continue to devastate mountains and forests to extract the minerals useful for technological development [...]
Entropia Live in Ronciglione
Il video del live della scorsa estate di Entropia a Ronciglione (VT&) https://youtu.be/nEVelK4Egbo
Entropia & Nuda Vox new e.p.
DATA DI LANCIO 2021-10-25ETICHETTA Eclectic ProductionsCATALOGO 10206647 A music between ambient and electroacoustic experimentation that comes from the collaboration between the electronic duo Entropia and the vocalist Laura Desideri on lyrics by Roberto Rosati. Four surreal and introspective [...]
https://eclecticproductions.bandcamp.com/album/psychovirus Concept album conceived during the first lockdown in Italy in March 2020.The title of the work refers to the author's vision of the pandemic as a virus existing on the biological profile but at [...]