

Eclectic Digital Codec 04: DS TEO – Solar Architecture

By |Dicembre 4th, 2017|Categories: Catalog|Tags: , , , |

1. Mars 07:21 2. Neptune 06:58 3. Deep Space 05:52 4. Back to Earth 10:10 The extraterrestrial figure DS TEO, joins cosmic techno forces with #Eclectic and delivers the ethereal ''Solar Architecture EP'' which is [...]

E68 (CD) – Entropia – October Is Coming

By |Dicembre 4th, 2017|Categories: Catalog|

format: file, cd release date: november 7, 2017 1. The Great War 11:29 2. Revolution in February 07:20 3. The April Theses 10:41 4. The Winter Palace in October 09:07 Amptek Alex Marenga: drum machines, electric bass, [...]

E68 (e.p.) – Entropia: October Remixed

By |Dicembre 4th, 2017|Categories: Catalog|Tags: , , , , |

format: file, vinyl released date: october 21,  2017 1 The Great War (Rasputin Delirium Mix)sputin 07:11 2 Revolution in February (Pietrograd Soviet Mix) 04:11 3 The April Theses (Vladimir Ilic Mix) 05:48 4.The Winter Palace in [...]

Recensione di su Entropia

By |Novembre 8th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

È un po' come le bambole russe che si infilano una dentro l'altra. Perché dietro ad ENTROPIA c'è AMPTEK, e dietro ad AMPTEK c'è Alex MARENGA, un grande chitarrista che sa anche gestire perfettamente computer, [...]

Nov. 7th New Entropia album “October is Coming”

By |Novembre 7th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

The new Entropia album devoted to the centenary of the October Revolution, inspired by Sergej Michajlovič Ėjzenštejn's "October" movie, is released today in all online shop. "October is Coming" is a suite divided into four [...]

E66 – Alex Marenga – Music For Augmented Guitars (Artist Series)

By |Ottobre 11th, 2017|Categories: Catalog|Tags: , , , |

tracklist: 1.Blues For Electric Guitar 06:23 2.Mental Modes 05:26 3.Narrative Paradigm 05:01 4.Remove Your Ego 11:21 5.Deindividuation 08:49 6.Modern Times 04:14 7.Persuasion Through Dissonance 07:23 8.Changing Minds 05:22 9.Calcium 14:36 credits released October 1o, 2017 [...]

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